I love playing Mat as he's a very technical player and the games are always tight and close fought. Tonight we played 50 pts Kraye vs Kaelyssa usin the steamroller 2015 scenario #4 Incoming. The lists for the game were as follows:
Cygnar - 50pts
* Squire
* Stormwall
* Hunter
* Hunter
* Minuteman
* Rowdy
Aiyana and Holt
Gun Mage Captain Adept (Gustav Montcalm!)
Stormsmith Storm Caller
Arlan Stangeways
Bunker - Objective
Retribution - 50pts
* Wishnailer (Silly Willy)
* Banshee
* Phoenix
* Discordia
Sentinels Max
* UA
Battle Mages
Skyreth Issyen
Mage Hunter Assassin (Hero)
2x Arcanists
Fuel Cache - Objective
We rolled off and Mat won electing to go first. The table was fairly symmetric with a hill in the center and some scattered rocks but over all pretty open, so I stayed put on the side I was already on. Kill box was in effect for this scenario so the wall on Mat's side wouldn't be that big of an advantage.
Mat set up with his solos and battle mages on my left flank ready to rocket downfield and threaten the objective. His battle group set up centrally with the sentinels on the right flank. I responded by assigning Gustav, A&H and the hunters to hold the left with the stormwall and minuteman responsible for the center and right portions of the battle field. Kraye went center right hoping to take advantage of the rocks for some cover.
Deployment |
Turn 1:
Retribution turn 1 was your typical warmachine fare with everything running forward for position. The arcanists power boosted two of the jacks to preserve Kaelyssa's focus pool and she put up Phantom Seeker on herself. Sentinels executed an inverted wedge shaped advance trying to bait the vengeance trigger. The battle mages grabbed the wall in preparation for the next turn.
Retribution Turn 1 |
After measuring my control range I knew the rest of my models would be out of range so everything else in my list moved forward for position. A&H got stealth and the stormwall dropped a pod behind my lines for future triangulations and laid down some covering fire channel the sentinels out of the center. Full throttle goes on the minute man and I pass the turn over.
Cygnar Turn 1 |
Turn 2:
Mat informed me that he was going to attempt to finish the game on this turn. He allocates no focus and starts the action. After receiving a focus from an arcanist the phoenix runs to engage my minute man but far enough away not be engaged by it in return. He sets himself up for putting arcantrik bolts into Kraye through the arc node. Silly willy gives Kaelyssa his spell boost and she tries her first shot. The spell hits and at dice -6 she lays 3 damage into Kraye. Realizing that this isn't going to work Mat switches gears into attrition mode, pops Kae's feat and moves on with his turn.
The second arcanist moved forward and power boosts the Banshee. Realizing what a pain the triangulations are going to be he attempts to kill the pod by slamming a hunter over it with his momentum cannon. Unfortunately, even with a boosted attack roll, he comes up short of the 9 needed to hit with an 8.
Nothing else was in range to do much damage so the solos on the left move up to the threaten the flank and sentinels run into the center of the board.
Retribution Turn 2 |
I pull one focus from the squire allocate two to Rowdy, one to the minute man and three to the storm wall and upkeep full throttle on the minute man. In an attempt to remove the sentinels from the game I aim to remove their UA and take vengeance out of the equation. Arlan moves up and casts Evasive on the minute man allowing him to walk away from the phoenix without free strikes. The minute man makes his way over to the sentinel UA and his body guard thanks to his leap ability. Once he's in base to base contact he flak fields for ... 0 damage on the UA. Yep, dice minus 5 and I come up snake eyes. The body guard in defensive line doesn't fare so well though and bites the dust. The minute man tries his two melee attacks and only manages to do 3 damage to the main target. Not a good start.
In the center the stormwall moves forward and pummels the phoenix into submission. Electro leaps from the combat kill three more sentinels. The wall drops a pod near the banshee and ends his activation like the champ he is.
The stormcaller moves forward and triangulates with both pods to disrupt the banshee and remove another sentinel. At this point I'm snickering to myself as I've managed to remove 5 sentinels without triggering vengeance. None of the abilities which have actually killed anything have been attacks.
I move to attempt to put kiss of lyliss on the Fane knight and am 1/2 an inch out due to stealth. Realizing that this means the hunters will be unable to reach him as well I shuffle for position, but wait ... Gustav realizes he's in range of the MHA. Standing still and aiming with his snipe shot at range 16 the report of the gun sounds and ... the dice come up snake eyes. Way to go champ. Missed out on that sweet league achievement for +3xp.
I suddenly remember after the missed kiss that the feat is in effect and the focus I've allocated to Rowdy is useless (2 focus could've meant a mage sight AOE could've been placed instead). Oh well. He and Kraye shuffle arround and I pass the turn.
Cygnar Turn 2 |
Turn 3:
Seeing my obvious mistakes Mat is looking to capitalize hard on turn three. He allocates 3 to Discordia and upkeeps phantom hunter for free on Kae with Silly Willy.
Starting off with his battle mages Mat is able to roll double 4's to knock down my hunter and double 5's to knock down and kill Aiyanna.
The rest of the mages drag the poor hunter up onto the hill.
On the left the fane knight decides that its time to end the bumbling gun mage once and for and promptly cuts poor Gustav down. The injuries Gustav sustained here would later become infected for a permanent -1 to his damage rolls. Rapid strike from the knight puts a good deal of damage on the hunter behind the wall crippling his movement and the MHA assassin charges in and finishes him off.
Discordia receives a power boost from the arcanist and moves over to end the minute man. The sentinels charge the stormwall putting a good chunk of damage into the left side but leaving all systems operational. The other arcanist gives the banshee 1 focus removing disruption and the jack puts a boosted damage roll into the helpless hunter. Kaelyssa locks the hunter down with an arcantrik bolt and moves behind the banshee and arcanist hoping that the LOS blocking will keep her safe.
She ... is ... mistaken.
Retribution Turn 3 |
Kraye moves over onto the hill and casts Guided Fire giving his battle group boosted ranged attack rolls. Using his carbine he snipes out the battle mage and arcanist blocking line of sight to Kaelyssa.
Arlan moves forward and casts evasive on the stormwall. The wall starts off by dropping a pod which removes the leftmost sentinel and the three battle mages in the line behind him. The wall moves into the newly created opening and gains LOS will all of its guns on Kae and unleashes the barrage.
Its 9's to hit and with all boosted attack rolls from Krae's Guided Fire. I get 2 shots on the left chain gun and land one of them doing 3 damage. The left cannon fires, hits and does about 7 damage on dice even. The second cannon fires and misses. I roll for shots on the right chain gun managing 3 shots. The first shot misses. The second shot lands and with boosted damage seals the deal.
Cygnar Assassination Victory.
Cygnar Turn 3 |
Stormwall Sees You! |
The list I ran isn't an original creation and props goes to Tabi-Chan from the PP forums for posting it in the Kraye thread. I just had to swap the league model for Gorman and I was good to go. If you read this Tabi, its an awesome list and I loved it.
This was my first time using Kraye and I have to say I'm in love. I normally don't like rolling with low model count armies as it always causes me stress over every lost model. Kraye super ability to get or at least threaten the alpha strike, coupled with the excellent ranged game from my jacks, went a long way to mitigating that though. I could easily see him becoming one of my main caster choices.
The assassination at the end could've easily gone the wrong way I was just happy the dice gods were with me. Mat was a superb opponent as always and I fully enjoyed the game. This game netted Mat his first league game for 6xp and my 5th league game for 6xp as well.
That's it for this report. Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll have another one up soon.
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