Monday, 9 March 2015

Riven Bonds League Game 4: Zaal vs Axis

Game night at our LGS was a couple days ago, and I only managed to get in one league game, but I also got in a game of high command for some more sweet, sweet experience points.

The game that I played was 25 points and it was against Brian who was playing Convergence. Convergence is probably the faction that I know the least about, so I will try to cobble together the list he was playing, but there might be some errors. I brought my Zaal list again (as I only own two casters at the moment) and pulled out the Nihilators and Saxon Orrick in order to bring the list down to 25 points:

Supreme Aptimus Zaal & Kovaas (*5pts)
* Cyclops Savage (5pts)
* Reptile Hound (2pts)
* Reptile Hound (2pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Immortals (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Ancestral Guardian (3pts)
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor (2pts)

And my attempt at Brian's 25 points of Convergence pulls together a list that looks something like this:

Axis, the Harmonic Enforcer (*6pts)
* Cipher (9pts)
* Inverter (8pts)
Clockwork Angels (Leader and 2 Grunts) (3pts)
Obstructors (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex (1pts)
Steelsoul Protector (2pts)

Along with some form of floating balls, that kept putting flare on my stuff making it easier to hit them. (Also Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex? Who named this crap? I'll just call that ADO for the sake of my sanity). We played the same scenario that I played in my first game with Dave, that has a central fort shooting AoE's (mostly because it is an extremely easy scenario to set up). For those who didn't read that report, the fort is arm 24 with 80 boxes, but to be honest I don't think anyone made a single attack on the fort this game (unlike the game with Dave, where everything on the table attacked the fort).

For this table, which I have used in these reports before, we ignore most of the hilly areas on the table There is just way too much of it to be hills or rough terrain, so we just let it be pretty scenery. All of the items not attached to the table are actual terrain, with a hill in front of my deployment and the piles of rubble acting as rough terrain. I won the roll and chose to go first, and we were off.

Skorne Deployment:
I deployed everything fairly centrally on the table. Zaal and Orin got ready to run up the middle and hide behind the fort all game, while the Gladiator and Savage went to flank around the left of the building, and everything else deployed to move up the right side of the building.

Convergence Deployment:
While I was expecting to see some big smashy robots across from my gladiator, Brian deployed everything on the right side of the table (his left) across from my immortals. The angels went to the far side of the board edge to flank my army, and everything else deployed in a line with the warjacks and axis on the left, the unit on the right and solos spread out between them.

Skorne Turn 1:
Fairly normal warmachine turn, everything ran forward. Zaal cast awakened spirit on the gladiator and inviolable resolve on the immortals. At the end of my turn I was able to shoot out two AoEs from the fort, and with some good deviations and damage rolls I was able to kill two of the angels, causing the last one to fail its command check and flee.

Convergence Turn 1:
Convergence turn 1 was fairly similar to my first turn, with most things running forward. The obstructors moved forward in shield wall and axis cast iron aggression on the inverter. The cipher moved up and took some shots, and he also took his two shots from the fort at the end of the turn. I don't remember which AoEs did how much damage, but by the end of the four shots each of my reptile hounds were sitting around two or three health.

Skorne Turn 2:
Since both of my reptile hounds were about to die anyways, I figured I would finally get some use out of last stand. Zaal leeched his fury, upkept both spells and activated first. He shuffled forward a bit, used two fury to heal the spirit on the back hound and the mind on the front hound, and then cast last stand onto the front hound.

The immortals were in my way so I activated them first. One of them charged the floating ball in the front, killing it easily, and the rest just ran foward. At this point I learned that all of Axis' warjacks have counter charge, and the inverter charged forward and killed one of my immortals. With that done the reptile hound in the back ran foward to get into melee with the warjack, in order to give the flank bonus, and my second reptile hound charged. Some terrible dice rolling (one roll contained 3 ones) meant that I only ended up putting some light damage on the warjack, but I can't really expect much more from an almost dead 2 point lesser warbeast.

The gladiator and savage just ran forward, and Orin moved forward to pop null magic from behind the fort. For the record, the fort is actually a solid object and you can't draw LoS through the gaps in the walls there, we just didn't have longer walls to make a solid fort.

I took my two shots from the fort at the obstructors and managed to kill one or two of them.

That reptile hound actually died from last stand, I didn't remember until after taking the picture.

Convergence Turn 2:
Looks like I missed a picture here, but nothing super crazy happened so it should be fine. Axis dropped IA, as the warjack doesn't really need it to hit my immortals, and gives both warjacks a couple points of focus. 

One of the little floating balls moves up and puts flare onto my immortals and the reptile hound, and then the inverter starts swinging at them. It puts the reptile hound into the ground, as well as an immortal or two that it could reach. The cipher moves up a bit and takes some shots into the immortals in the back, killing one and leaving rough terrain in the middle of them. The angel moves up and tries to shoot but doesn't kill anything, and the obstructors move forward in shield wall. At the end of his turn the fort fires again, puts a point or two of damage on Orin but doesn't damage anything else.

Skorne Turn 3:
First the immortals make their vengeance moves, mostly moving forward to engage the inverter. The ones that are able to get in range get some very solid damage rolls and end up doing quite a bit of damage to the warjack. Zaal leeches his fury, upkeeps both spells and activates first. He moves up right behind the fort, and uses his soul converter ability to give the AG a soul (an ability that I have been forgetting to use every turn).

The gladiator shuffles forward to get a in a good position for a charge next turn, and puts rush on the savage. The savage walks forward and swings at the floating ball, missing every attack it makes, even with boosting (*sigh*) but that is okay because my plan is to just use him as bait to bring in something big for the gladiator. The immortals activate and start swinging at the inverter again, bringing it down to only 5 or 6 boxes, and somehow managing to not knock out a single system. Two of the immortals charge into the obstructors and each kill one, and then I activate the ancestral guardian. It uses its soul for 2" of movement and charges the warjack, but is unable to get into melee as the immortals were in the way. Orin uses counter magic, the fort fires two more shots that do no damage, and my turn is done.

Convergence Turn 3:
On the convergence turn, I'm happy because it looks like my bait worked. Axis hands out a couple points of focus and then activates first, popping his feat (which the gladiator was out of ). Then he does something I wasn't expecting, and charges the savage himself. He makes a few attacks but is unable to kill it, so the cipher walks over and finishes the job. The inverter and the obstructors make a few attacks, killing some immortals (and my hero, meaning another roll on the injury chart) but at this point I wasn't very concerned about my immortals any more. The fort fires off two more shots towards Zaal and Orin, but with some poor deviations they do no damage.

The inverter was having issues standing on the hill.
Skorne Turn 4:
At this point I am pretty confident that the gladiator can end the game, but I wanted to make sure it would happen. 

Zaal activates first, and walks as far as he can towards the gladiator. He casts last stand on the warbeats (being just within range) and pops his feat, because why not (and I have had terrible luck with dice before, so overkill is always better). The gladiator activates, casts rush on itself and charges Axis. Two swings put Axis into the ground, winning the game for Skorne with an assassination!

Thoughts on the game:
Over all I think this game went pretty well. I need to start reading my enemy caster's card at the start of every game, because the counter charge really caught me off guard and it could have been worse if it happened at a more critical time. 

I have an order in for a few new models, including the All-in-one box that should hopefully be in soon, so my next league game should see a new caster and finally a unit of beast handlers!

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