This game was against Chantal, my girlfriend, and one of our two local Legion players. Since I still don't have a huge Skorne collection, there wasn't a ton of decisions to make in building a 15 point list, and I ended up just bring the battle box plus two reptile hounds to round out to 15.
Master Tormentor Morghoul (*7pts)
* Cyclops Savage (5pts)
* Cyclops Savage (5pts)
* Reptile Hound (2pts)
* Reptile Hound (2pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Chantal on the other hand, has a fairly large Legion collection, and brought out a list that I wasn't really expecting:
Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight (*5pts)
* Raek (4pts)
* Ravagore (10pts)
Blighted Nyss Raptors (Leader and 2 Grunts) (6pts)
That is a lot of guns. And considering my list has absolutely no range, this game is going to come down to whether or not I can get my models in melee before they are all shot to death. I am confident that the Gladiator will be able to make it there, but the rest of the list can definitely die to shooting. Chantal won the roll and decided to go first, and I chose the side with a wall farther up the table so that I could park Morghul behind it.
Legion Deployment:
Lylyth was deployed on the far right with both of her beasts, and the raptors went on the other side of the table getting ready to flank my army using their insane speed.
Skorne Deployment:
I deployed everything fairly centrally. Morghul got in a position to go behind the wall, I placed the gladiator and a savage on the left side to go and deal with the Legion beasts, my second savage on the right side to go after the raptors, and the hounds in the middle so they could go to whichever side needed them.
Legion Turn 1:
Everything ran forward to get in a good shooting position for next turn. Lylyth did not cast shadow pack as it was not needed, so she just dropped 2 fury and walked forward to keep up with her beasts. The raptors began flanking by running up the field and hiding behind the obstruction.
Skorne Turn 1:
I knew next turn was going to hurt, so I just wanted to get up the board as fast as possible. Morghul cast rush on the left savage, put admonition onto the gladiator and walked up behind the wall. The gladiator cast rush on itself and slammed towards the ravagore (as it can slam for free). Everything else ran forward, except for one of the reptile hounds which just walked so that I would not go over on fury.
Legion Turn 2:
I was expecting the raptors to come around the obstruction this turn and take some shots at the savage, but instead they continued to run up the board, flanking right behind my army. I was going to have to deal with that next turn, or Morghul would be getting shot in the back, but for the moment that was the least of my worries.
Lylyth activated first, popped her feat and took three shots at the savage. Boosting damage on the shots she was able to bring the beast down to only 4 remaining health. The ravagore went next, also standing still and using its animus to light things on fire. It took a boosted shot at Morghul and missed, but only deviated 1 inch so the blast still caught him. Morghul was lit on fire and took around 8 points of damage from the blast which he transferred to the undamaged savage. The ravagore took its second shot on the front reptile hound, hitting and leaving it lit on fire with 6 health left.
Finally the ravagore charged the savage, boosting to hit and killing it on the charge attack, but also allowing my gladiator to use admonition and get in a better position for next turn.
Skorne Turn 2:
At the start of my turn, I rolled for the fire and neither of the effects went out. The fire on the reptile hound easily killed it, and on the damage roll for Morghul Chantal rolled an 11, doing 10 points of damage to the warlock. Morghul used his point of fury to transfer the damage to the other reptile hound, leaving it on three boxes.
Morghul cuts for two fury and activates first. He casts abuse on the gladiator and on the remaining savage, doing a single point of damage to each of them. He then moves forward as far as he can and uses his feat, catching the raek but unfortunately not getting in range of the ravagore. The savage runs and goes to the back of the table, engaging the three raptors so that they cannot shoot me in the back next turn. The reptile hound charges the raek just to be in the way and misses its attack.
Finally the gladiator activates. I was hoping that he was in range to charge without casting rush but after measuring my control area it looks like he will be just out. So the gladiator activates, casts rush on itself and charges the ravagore. It makes its three initial attacks and uses its final fury to buy one more attack, and in the end leaves the ravagore on a single point of health.
Legion Turn 3:
Lylyth draws in her fury, and the raek ends up having a fury left on it. It fails its frenzy check and kills the reptile hound. Next the raptors activate and using their melee attacks are able to kill the savage, freeing them up to make their light cavalry move towards Morghul.
Lylyth activates and spends to fury to heal up the ravagore. She then walks forward into the forest to be in range of Morghul and takes a shot at him, boosting to hit. She needs a 9 to hit and gets exactly a 9 on the first shot. She decides not to boost the damage, and rolls very high for damage, leaving Morghul on 3 boxes as the gladiator is full on fury meaning he cannot transfer the damage. She buys a second attack and boosts to hit again, rolling an 8, just missing and leaving Morghul alive.
The ravagore activates and attacks the gladiator with everything it has, but doesn't end up crippling any systems. And with that the Legion turn ends, and leads to a very important fire roll.
Again, sorry for the poor picture quality. |
First things first, I roll for the fire on Morghul and roll a 1, putting the fire out. I know that I have to kill Lylyth this turn so I activate the gladiator first, and walk him over to Lylyth.
The ravagore swings at the gladiator and misses, meaning that the gladiator is fully operation when it gets in melee of the Legion warlock. He forces for a headbutt power attack and boosts to hit, hitting Lylyth and knocking her down. Two purchased attacks later kill Lylyth, winning the game for Skorne!
Thoughts on the game:
Well, that was close. Any roll that had gone another way could have easily seen a Legion victory (Lylyth's second shot, the fire roll, the ravagore's free strike), but it is a win and I will take it! I really need to get my beast handlers, as the gladiator would have easily killed the ravagore with them around, and a krea would also be awesome to help against heavy shooting armies like eLylyth.
As for the league, a 15 point win gets me 6xp, putting me at 14xp so far (as I also played a game of high command). 1 more point of experience will give me enough for another upgrade on my ancestral guardian, which will be awesome for increasing his power on the field. Chantal earns 5xp from the game, getting enough for her first upgrade on her forsaken.
Thanks for reading!
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