Friday, 28 August 2015

Body and Soul vs. Haley 3

Hello everyone! Been quite a while since I have been able to write a post on here, but I'm hoping to get them going on a fairly regular basis again. The report this week is between my forces of Cryx vs. Dave's Cygnar. The list that I am running is a fairly standard Body and Soul:

Wraith Witch Deneghra (*6pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Deathjack (12pts)
* Nightmare (10pts)
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & 9 Drudges (5pts)
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & 5 Drudges (3pts)
Cephalyx Mind Slaver & 5 Drudges (3pts)
Cephalyx Overlords (3pts)
Cephalyx Overlords (3pts)
Mechanithralls (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Necrosurgeon & 3 Stitch Thralls (2pts)
Necrosurgeon & 3 Stitch Thralls (2pts)
Ragman (2pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)

This was my first time running with B&S, so I figured I would try out the standard list a few times before I start tweaking it around. This game was played post-errata, so enemy casters, jacks, etc... are now able to shake the effect from Denny's feat, making things much more dangerous for her on feat turn. (In the pictures, Alexia and some risen are proxying for a mind slaver and some drudges as I haven't been able to get my other unit yet).

Dave was running the following 50 point Cygnar list:

Major Prime Victoria Haley (*3pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Storm Lances (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard (3pts)
* 2 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (2pts)
Trencher Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Ragman (2pts)
Stormblade Captain (2pts)

This is a Haley 3 list that he has been trying with her for a while, and it seems to be really strong. The trenchers love the ability to put up their cloud wall and move back behind it, and revive on the storm lances is really powerful.

The scenario we were playing was recon. We rolled off, and I won the roll choosing to go first. Dave chose the side of the table mainly based on the fact that all of his models were already there, as the sides were fairly similar. For clarity, the pile of rubble that is in the zone was just being treated as rough terrain, and the grassy circles are forests (removed the trees sot that models could move around).

Cryx Deployment:
I forgot to take pictures of deployment, but it was fairly straight forward. I chose not to put up my upkeeps, as that is just giving Haley a free 3d3 of damage onto Denny. I deployed everything in a line, with Denny in the middle and Nightmare (prey went on Haley) to her right. The arcnode went to the left, with a warwitch siren and unit of overlords flanking either side.

The drudges, getting AD from the tier, went in the front, trying to spread out to cover as much of the table as possible, and Deathjack went in the middle to threaten the zone.

Cygnar Deployment:
I did squeeze in a picture of Dave's deployment, after he had moved a Ranger or two:

Trenchers and rangers in the front, haley in the middle with the stormblades. Storm Lances on my right, with the arc node on my left, and solos spread out in between.

Cryx Turn 1:
Everything ran. 

I knew that I was going to be getting shot to hell every turn, so I figured my best bet was to just run everything screaming at the other side of the table and hope that some of it lives to engage next turn.

Cygnar Turn 1: 
One of Dave's rangers runs its full speed to get in front of my army and get his bonus to shooting, and the rest of the unit moves up to get in a better position for next turn. The trenchers move up and take some shots killing a couple up drudges and putting up two clouds. The Storm lances and their solo flank really hard on my right side (after getting arcane shield from the journeyman) and the rest of the army moves up behind the trenchers. (Sorry, missed the picture again. Need to get back in the habit of taking them every turn.) Dave also cast out both baby haley and space haley this turn.

Cryx Turn 2:
A lot more running on my side. The warwitch siren on my right charged a storm lance, hitting it and shadow binding it in place and threatening a free strike on the lances on either side of the one she charged.

The drudges run forward to engage some of the shooting and be in the way, and they manage to take out a ranger. The warwtich siren on the left side walks forward and sprays down a second ranger. Deathjack and nightmare move up into a position to threaten anything that enters the zone (and to be in range of charging the objective next turn). Denny moves up behind the objective to get cover (using Valor) and getting ready to go into the zone next turn when I am able to score.

Cygnar Turn 2:
Dave upkeeps both of the Haley's, and arcane shield. Gorman walks up and throws a black oil at the warwitch siren but rolls max deviation and just misses her. The trenchers stand still and shoot down a stich thrall, denying me a lot of corpses, and then kill a bunch of drudges, some making their tough rolls but most of them dying. The storm blades receive and assault order and charge in, killing more drudges from the middle and left units. The rangers take a few shots, killing another few drudges, and the one in melee swings at the drudge in front of it but does nothing.

The Haley unit moves forward. Space haley casts ghost walk on the storm lances, allowing them to charge past the siren. Big Haley casts temporal flux (I think is the name?) giving models near a Haley +2 Def. Baby haley tosses out a chain blast and kills a few more models. The storm lances charge into the right unit of drudges, killing 3 drudges and the overlord from the unit, and also taking out an overlord from the unit in the back with lightening leaps. They also manage to take out all three stitch thralls on that flank, but one of the cav and the solo are both unable to kill the warwitch siren (the storm lance that was shadow bound ended up out of command and couldn't attack).

Cryx Turn 3:
At this point I have lost a lot of drudges, but not much else, which means that I am in a pretty good position. Denny keeps all of her focus and chooses to go incorporeal this turn. My middle drudge unit activates first, shuffling out of the way, and I choose to leave the middle drudge knocked down.

Denny moves forward through the objective and casts hellmouth on the knocked down drudge, and boosts to hit because I have had some bad experiences with double ones. She hits the drudge killing the drudge and the three storm blades in the zone. Death jack charges the objective and kills it easily. The overlords on the left side move forward and spray down two rangers and Gorman. The left drudges move forward to jam a bit more and kill another ranger. On the left side I made a mistake. What I should have done was have nightmare move up behind deathjack to block line of sight to Denny. What I did instead was have him move to the right and kill two storm lances. This was bad for two reasons. The first was that it left a straight line from baby Haley to Denny. The second was that it gave Haley two revive targets that would not be affected by the feat. Mechanithralls run forward into the zone after getting a few extra bodies from the necrosurgeons, and I end my turn with Denny dominating, putting me at three points.

Cygnar Turn 3:
Dave let Space Haley dropped, and activated Aiyana and Holy. Aiyanna gave magical weapoins to the trencher unit and they stood still and took a CRA on Denny, doing some light damage. Dave then had some of his models kill his models that were in the way (as they were stuck in place from the feat) and activated the Haley unit (spending a focus to shake the feat), popping his feat. Baby Haley charged a mechanithrall going right past deathjack thanks to incorp (as if he doesn't have magic weapons!) and blasts Denny in the face with a full boosted force hammer, doing a ton of damage to her. Big Haley charged deathjack and sends another fully boosted force hammer into Denny, killing her with focus to spare for another shot.

Victory to Cygnar!

I'm really happy with the way that the list played out. If I had played a bit safer there was a good chance that I could have stopped the assissination, and Dave wasn't able to get anything in the zone to contest (as the warjack was too far away). If Denny had lived I would have won on scenario, which would be my first win against Cygnar in a while.

As it stands I messed up and got her killed, but I really enjoyed the list, and I am looking forward to getting some more time with it on the table.

Until next time, thanks for reading!

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