Thursday, 9 April 2015

Two Games: Cryx vs. Cygnar

Hello again! Time for another battle report (Two, actually!), this time Cryx vs. Cygnar. It has been a while since I have brought my Cryx out, but I'm ready to get back in on some undead action and hopefully win some games! My biggest problem with Cryx has always been getting my whole army wiped off of the table. This time, I decided to try out some lists that I thought would stand a better chance against the average gun line.

I had been giving some thought to ADR, and figured that I would try out a Scaverous list with specialists swapped in to be what I though would have a good chance against Cygnar. The list looked like this:

Lord Exhumator Scaverous (*5pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Skarlock Thrall (2pts)
Bane Riders (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Bane Thralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Bane Thrall Officer & Standard (3pts)
The Withershadow Combine (5pts)
Aiakos, Scourge of Meredius (3pts)
Bane Lord Tartarus (4pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (9pts)

The general idea being thralls + death ward will survive pow 10 shooting (or electrical damage) much more often then usual, the riders can shrug off most of it and Snapjaw can just submerge. Aiakos is there as just a power solo, smacking things that need to be smacked and Scaverous is assisting where he can with telekenisis and his debuffs.

Now, of course, some of that might have actually been true against a normal gun line. But Dave, my Cygnar opponent, was testing out one of his SOO lists, which happened to be Nemo 3.... who eats Cryx for breakfast. Still, I was hoping that the list could pull through against his list which consisted of the following:

Artificier General Nemo (*3pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
Storm Strider (9pts)
Storm Lances (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Major Katherine Laddermore (5pts)
Stormblade Captain (2pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)

Well then... pow 10 damage rolls are bad, boosted pow 10s are terrible, and I knew that this was probably not going to go well. We rolled for scenario and got recon, the new scenario for 2015. I won the roll off and decided to go first, hoping to get up the board before getting shot to death.

Thanks to a four hour game from last week we have decided to start playing on a clock to speed up our game times. So I set my clock to an hour and started my deployment.

Cryx Deployment:
I deployed everything fairly centrally on the board, getting ready to run up the field. Scaverous went right in the middle, with the bane thralls on his left and the riders on his right. Wrong Eye, Snapjaw and BLT went on the left side, with the withershadow combine and Aiakos on the right. An arcnode went down each flank to get spells where I needed them, and it Dave's turn to deploy.

 photo 0.1 - Cryx deployment_zpsfg4wiymo.jpg

Cygnar Deployment:
On the Cygnar side, the two huge bases went on the left. Nemo and his support staff went in the middle, the cavalry went to the right, and the storm callers spread throughout the lines for maximum coverage.

 photo 0.2 - Cygnar Deploy_zpsa7nrkhwj.jpg

Cryx Turn 1:
As per usual, everything ran. The bane thralls got death ward, as I was hoping it would save them from some lighting, and everything else ran as far forward as they could to try and get in a good position for next turn.

Cygnar turn 1:
On the Cygnar side things were a bit more exciting. The storm strider walked forward, shot at my front most bane rider and managed to kill it. The stormwall walked forward and put down covering fire and a storm pod, as the storm wall tends to do. 

Nemo put fail safe on the storm wall, the journeyman put arcane shield on the storm strider, and everything else ran forward.

 photo 1 - turn 1_zps1r794qjn.jpg

Cryx Turn 2:
Unfortunately, as things were standing, nothing was in my charge range. This meant that I had to either advance in range of his guns or give up a ton of scenario presence, so I guess it was time to see just how much of a beating the list could take.

The combine upkeeps deathward for free and the bane thralls activate, running forward. I tried to spread them out to lower the amount of casualties, but it is almost impossible to avoid the 4" lightening leaps. Scaverous advanced forward and cast telekenisis onto one of the bane riders to move it forward two inches. It then ran up into the face of the two huge bases, hoping to hold at least one of them up on Dave's turn. Aiakos advanced in the back, camping all of his focus, while on the other flank WE&S both advanced and cast submerge in order to avoid being shot. Everything else advanced cautiously the back, trying to stay out of range of the guns, and that was the end of the turn.

 photo 2.1 - Cryx Turn 2_zps808u1hqf.jpg

Cygnar Turn 2:
Now, I don't remember exactly what models killed what, but I do remember a lot of things dying. Nemo activated first, moved up and popped his feat. He then shot with his gun and bought two chain lighting spells, frying a bunch of bane thralls (hopping leaps off of non-stealthed things to hit them). The storm wall and the storm strider wiped out the bane riders, Aiakos and the arcnode on that flank. The storm callers moved up and used triangulations to kill more bane thralls.

The cavalry charged in and did a bunch of damage, leaving Wrong eye on 4 boxes, snapjaw with two systems down, and killing BLT.

 photo 2.2 - Cygnar Turn 2_zpsephrazvu.jpg

Cryx Turn 3:
Well, things were looking pretty bleak from the Cryx side of the table, but I still wanted to see what I could do.

Wrong eye activates first, using two fury to heal snapjaw and then taking a swing at the storm lance in front of him, not killing it. Scaverous activates and feats this turn, as there is no reason to hold onto it. He uses telekinisis to bring Wrong eye back behind the wall to keep him protected, and buys a second one on the storm lance that wrong eye attacked. He misses, so he buys another one and hits, moving the model out of the way and rotating it so that my banes won't take free strikes.

Snapjaw activates and clears out the two storm lances in front of him, healing up a few points of damage. The bane thralls activate and charge killing another two storm lances. The WCS move up and use their shots to kill the stormblade captain, and the siren moves up but misses it's attack on the storm caller.

 photo 3.1 - Cryx turn 3_zpsv8ksddvp.jpg

Cygnar Turn 3:
And this turn, everything else in my army gets shot to death. Lots of lighting leaps, the last storm lance killed wrongeye, taking both gators off of the table. The stormwall had to punch a storm pod that was in front of it as it was blocking its path, so it didn't move this turn. 

After the clean up, Scaverous, the war witch siren and a disrupted arcnode was all that was left on the Cryx side of the table.

 photo 3.2 - Cygnar turn 3_zpsmkummkwp.jpg

Cryx Turn 4:
Scaverous charges over and kills the last storm blade. The warwitch sprays down the storm callers killing one, and the arc node tries a bite on Laddermore but misses.

 photo 4.1 - Cryx Turn 4_zpsoquzwgs1.jpg

Cygnar Turn 4:
The stormwall charges into my objective, killing it. The storm strider moves forward to make a wall for Nemo. My jack gets disrupted and damaged, and the warwitch siren is killed. With nothing on my side to contest, and no way to kill Nemo, Dave scores 3 points on his turn and 2 on my turn for a scenario win.

 photo 4.2 - Cygnar turn 2_zpsa666q3iv.jpg

Thoughts on the game:
Well, that could have gone better. I have yet to find a Cryx list that I can drop into Nemo and still have a list left after his feat turn, but I'm going to keep looking. I think that I definitely need a Kraken in the list, as something that won't die to lighting leaps and something that can't be disrupted, but other than that I'm not too sure. 

Game 2:
We still had quite a bit of time after this game, since playing on the clock sped us up a lot, so we decided to play again. We used the same scenario, but this game was eSkarre vs. Seige. I wanted to try a jack heavy list to see how that fared against Cygnar, and Dave wanted to see if his Seige list would be able to deal with Cryx. This ended up not being a super long game, so the report will be pretty quick.

The list I played:

Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast (*6pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Deathjack (12pts)
* Nightmare (10pts)
Bane Thralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Bane Thrall Officer & Standard (3pts)
Satyxis Raiders (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Satyxis Raider Sea Witch (2pts)
The Withershadow Combine (5pts)
Satyxis Raider Captain (2pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)

The list that Dave played:

Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Lieutnant Allison Jakes (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)

Dave won the roll and decided to go first, and I just stayed on the side that I was already on.

Cygnar Deployment:
Siege deployed right in the middle, with the Stormwall on his right, as well as Jakes and her warjack. The rest of the army went on the left side of Siege, with the rangers advance deploying in the center of the table.

 photo 0.2 - Cygnar Deployment_zpsnpwgahfn.jpg

Cryx Deployment:
Skarre went in the middle, with her battlegroup on her left, lined up with the stormwall. The banes went to her right, with the Satyxis raiders in front of them, hoping to jam the guns and keep the banes alive. Nightmare puts prey up on Siege.

 photo 0.1 - Cryx deployment_zpsgpjkvljf.jpg

Cygnar Turn 1:
Everything runs forward, arcane shield goes up on the stormwall from the journeyman and Jakes casts sidekick onto her jack.

Cryx Turn 1:
Again, everything runs forward. Skarre puts death ward onto Nightmare and Admonition onto Deathjack. The raiders move forward, getting ready to jam, and the banes move up behind them.

 photo 1 - Turn 1_zpskhefhghv.jpg

Cygnar Turn 2:
The rangers move forward to give their +2 to hit bonus out to their army. A few of them shoot and kill one or two raiders. The Stormwall and the charger both shoot at nightmare, putting a ton of damage into him but not killing him (and only crippling one arm, thanks to deathward), and the stormwall also drops a pod into the zone. The blazers and A&H move up and kill the raider captain, the UA and most of the raider unit.

 photo 2.1 - Cygnar Turn 2_zpsfkvdgagb.jpg

Cryx Turn 2:
Well most of my raiders are dead, but I'm pretty sure I can end the game here. I drop death ward on Nightmare, upkeeping admonition for free. Three focus goes to Nightmare, Deathjack gets his two plus Skarre gives him one more, and she keeps the rest. Skarre activates first, and pops her feat in case my plan doesn't work, putting it on herself, DJ, Nightmare and the arcnode. 

She casts perdition onto the ranger in the front, hitting without boosting (although she had a focus to boost if needed), killing the ranger and letting nightmare make a full advance.

Deathjack moves up and casts perdition as well to kill the stormpod that is in the way. With that done Nightmare makes a full advance (thanks to the speed bonus from prey) getting in range of Siege and with the prey bonus is easily able to kill him.

 photo 2.2 - Cryx turn 2_zpsq7ios8wx.jpg

Thoughts on the game:
Well, this didn't really test either of our lists much. If the rolls had gone a little bit differently, or if I had decided to switch the upkeeps between DJ and Nightmare, Nightmare could have easily died and this would have been a longer game. I still don't know what I can bring to really counter Cygnar, but having some big jacks that could take a hit really helped. 

That's all I've got for now, and there probably won't be another report up for at least two weeks as I am going into exams right now. But I'll try to get another one up when my exams are done.

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