My name is Josh, although if you ended up here you probably know me as wolf9416 from the Privateer Press forums. I have been playing Warmahordes for around 3 years now, and decided to start this website/blog for a couple reasons. I wanted to be able to share my battle reports, thoughts on the game and (hopefully) some painting. I always have had trouble getting motivated to paint my models, but I hope that posting my progress here will encourage me to get to the painting table.
As a player in this game, I have gone through a few changes in factions. I originally started the game as a Circle Orboros player, and played them for quite a while. I had many games with my main men Kromac and Mohsar, but eventually I started to get bored of the faction. I don't know if it was something specific about Circle, or if it was just my faction ADD, but after a while of playing them I sold the whole army in order to pick up Cryx. I fell in love with Terminus, and thanks to some amazing articles from Lamoron of the Cryx forums (check him out here if you are interested in some awesome thoughts and advice on Cryx) I had quite a bit of success with Big T.
Still one of my favourite casters in the game |
Of course my faction ADD wouldn't let me stay in one place for ever, and the easiest place to expand to from a warmachine faction is into Mercenaries which is where I went next (with a brief interlude of a game or two with Khador, but nothing really exciting happened there). My Mercs collection has now grown to fairly closely match the size of my Cryx collection, and I have been playing them quite a bit recently. I have been enjoying them enough that I have decided to take Mercs out to the Southern Ontario Open (a Masters tournament held in Hamilton, Ontario) that I will be attending in May so until then most of the battle reports on here will most likely be with Mercs as I practice for that event.
Finally, this brings us up to the present, where I am beginning to dabble into Skorne. I will probably get a lot more into the faction this summer when I have the time (away from school and preparation for the SOO). My goal is to try and only play my Skorne painted, which is a pretty hefty goal for me but we will see what happens.
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